So many Blossoms
Never bear fruit
Blooming Blossoms Trust stood up and said no more. We know that different species of plants require diverse settings, climates and care. We wouldn`t squash our plants into neat boxes and command them to sit still and grow. We can not expect this of children. As teachers and parents we see the pain of SEN children squashed in mainstream boxes; or of bright and gifted children expected to toe the line and supress their ideas and questions. So many children don`t fit the box and we exist to contain them. To be with them where they are; to help them break free from barriers and source their own strengths to soar.
SEN children in mainstream schools should belong, feel safe, understand, and be understood.
Help develop SEN children's confidence, resilience, sense of agency and self protection.
12. Help SEN children attain academic success.
3. Give SEN children a safe space to have fun, meet with friends, and explore talents and skills.
4. Reduce stigma and social isolation for learning disabled children and offer various opportunities for integration socially during out of school hours.
125 children and young people .
Our exciting projects explore multiple avenues and provide well deserved respite for the disadvantaged children and their parents. They are a welcomed break amidst the long journey to success.